How Sarah Found Confidence and Full-Time Employment Through our Transition Service

Note: Names have been changed to protect the identity of participants.

Sarah came to the Moving On Employment Project (MOEP) in January 2023 after self-referring to the Transition Service. Sarah had recently moved to Shetland with her mother. Sarah had previously been home-educated and had limited qualifications. Sarah received no support from any other services and did not receive any benefits.

At the initial meeting with Sarah’s Transition Support Worker, her goals, interests, and barriers were discussed and identified. The following barriers were identified:

  • NEET category
  • No or limited work experience
  • Low skilled
  • Lacked confidence

Sarah identified the following goals she would like to achieve with the support from MOEP:

  • Develop her confidence
  • Support to increase her employability skills
  • Undertake Certified/Accredited training
  • To gain suitable part/full-time employment
  • Support with developing a CV, job application guidance and interview preparation
  • Support to apply for a National Entitlement Card (Young Scot).

As Sarah was living with her mother and had no income, she was supported in applying for a National Entitlement Card. This enhanced her independence and meant she was able to travel and attend her appointments independently. Sarah and the support worker met weekly and built a trusting relationship.

Her support worker assisted her in completing the Employability Workbook during meetings. This helped to identify likes, dislikes, skills, abilities, strengths, areas for development, job preferences and times for working. Sarah expressed a passion for baking and identified that she would like to work in a café, but did not want to be public facing initially.

The support worker assisted Sarah in reviewing and updating her CV while looking for employment opportunities and connecting with local employers. As Sarah had low levels of qualifications and wanted to undertake accredited training, she completed her Elementary Food Hygiene certificate.

Along with her support worker Sarah attended an interview at a local café restaurant. Initially, it was agreed with the employer that Sarah would take part in a paid 4-week work trial as a kitchen porter. The work trial allowed for the employer to assess Sarah’s capabilities, while also allowing Sarah to have a taste of the world of work and give her valuable experience. The role of the support worker during the work trial was to act as a link between Sarah and the employer while offering support when needed to both.

Due to the success of the work trial, it was agreed that Sarah would be employed on a part-time contract initially. As Sarah became comfortable within her working environment and her confidence grew, her roles within the kitchen expanded. Sarah had the opportunity to be involved in food preparation, which is a passion of hers.

Sarah enjoyed working and has since increased hours, securing full-time employment. Sarah flourished in the environment and is now working front of house, serving members of the general public. After sustaining employment for 6 months with light touch support and meeting the aims initially set, Sarah exited the Transition Support Service at the end of 2023.