The Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) programme is Scotland’s national youth employment strategy. It aims to prepare learners for their future pathways and the transition into the world of work. DYW focuses on work-relevant learning, gaining soft employability skills, and successful career pathways.
The DYW work experience project is delivered through us, at Moving On. We provide work experience opportunities to young people ages 14-24 with additional support needs and care experience. Tailored support will be provided to access work experience opportunities within a local business setting.
The DYW programme allows employers to provide inspirational opportunities for young people to help them understand and develop the skills in a supportive environment. While accessing the DYW Work Experience Project individuals will be supported to develop their skills in some or all of the following areas: communication, teamwork, self-management, independent travel, problem-solving and confidence building.
Referrals can be made through your local schools and Adult Services (where appropriate).